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Proactive Market Timing Service

Market Timer: Fari Hamzei

Executive Officer: @Fleet_Adm_Tiko

Editors: Nancy Scott

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Monday, April 12, 2021, 1500ET
WEEKLY Support, Pivot & Resistance Levels Chart for Issue #347

Monday, April 12, 2021, 1500ET
Market Bias for Issue #347

Our current Market Bias with Timer Digest is SHORT SPX since MARCH 26 at 3974
Our previous Market Bias was LONG SPX since JAN 22 at 3841

            Here are the trade parameters for this week:

SPX Money Management STOP for 100% of our position = 4170
SPX Current Price is = 4121
SPX Money Management STOP for last 20% of our position = 4065
SPX Primary Profit Target for first 80% of our position = 4030
SPX Secondary Profit Target for last 20% of our position = 3990

Action Asset Expiration Strike Option Last Mid-Point
BUY SPY Friday MAY 21 410 Puts 7.20 7.21
SELL SHORT SPY Friday MAY 21 400 Puts 4.45 4.46
You need to execute both legs and hold it as a Put-Spread.

Note A: Once the Primary Profit Target has been reached, traders are advised to close 80% of their position in order to lock in profits. The remaining balance can be carried over with a BreakEven STOP, based on the SPX level at the time of entry, in order to make the trade a zero-risk trade with the final position running to reach the Secondary Profit Target. Once either Secondary Profit or Money Management (BreakEven STOP after the 80% peel-off) is hit, our Option/ETF trade for that week is over. Go to Cash and wait for the next PMT Issue.

Note B: When we change our Market Bias with Timer Digest, You need to go FLAT asap. With PMT Pro, that is before the Close that day and with the basic PMT, at the open of the next day. The following trading day, we will issue new SPX targets and a new SPY options trade, as long as our new market bias with Timer Digest is NOT flat.

Fari Hamzei

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